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Chaste Spouse of the Ever Immaculate and Blessed Virgin Mary, and Foster Father of Jesus Christ. To obtain a happy death and other good intensions.
Ever blessed and glorious Joseph, kind and indulgent father, and compassionate friend of all in sorrow, through that bitter grief with which thy heart was saturated when thou didst behold the sufferings of the Infant Savior, and in prophetic view didst contemplate His most ignominious passion and death, take pity, I beseech thee, on my poverty and necessities; counsel me in my doubts; and console me in all my anxieties. Thou art the good father and protector of orphans, the advocate of the defenseless, the patron of those who are in need and desolation. Do not disregard the petition of thy poor child; my sins have drawn upon me the just displeasure of my God, and hence I am surrounded with sorrows. To thee, O amiable guardian of the poor neglected family of Nazareth, do I fly for shelter and protection. Listen, then, I entreat thee, with a father's solicitude, to the earnest prayer of thy poor supplicant, and obtain for me the objects of my petition. I ask it by the infinite mercy of the eternal Son of God; which induced Him to assume our nature, and be born in this world of sorrow. I ask it by the grief which filled thy heart, when, ignorant of the mystery wrought in thy Immaculate spouse, thou didst fear thou shouldst be separated from her. I ask it by that weariness, solicitude and suffering which thou didst endure when thou soughtest in vain at the inns of Bethlehem a shelter for the Sacred Virgin and a birthplace for the Infant God, and, when being everywhere refused, thou wert obliged to consent that the Queen of Heaven should give birth to the world's Redeemer in a wretched stable. I ask it by that most sad, painful duty imposed on thee, when the divine Child being eight days old, thou wert obliged to inflict a deep wound on His tender body, and thus be the first to make flow that sacred blood which was to wash away the sins of the world. I ask it by the sweetness and power of that sacred name, Jesus, thou didst confer on the adorable Infant. I ask it by that mortal anguish inflicted on thee by the prophecy of holy Simeon, which declared the Child Jesus and His holy Mother, the future victims of Their love and our sins. I ask it through that sorrow and anguish which filled thy soul when the angel declared to thee that the life of the Child Jesus was sought by His enemies, from whose impious designs thou wert obliged to flee with Him and His Blessed Mother into Egypt. I ask it by all the pains, fatigues and toils of that long and perilous pilgrimage. I ask it by all the sorrows thou didst endure, when in Egypt thou wert not able even by the sweat of thy brow, to procure poor food and clothing for thy most poor family. I ask it by all the grief thou didst feel each time the divine Child asked for a morsel of bread, and thou hast it not to give Him. I ask it by all the solicitude to preserve the sacred Child and the Immaculate Mary during thy second journey when thou wert ordered to return to thy native country. I ask it by thy peaceful dwelling in Nazareth, in which so many joys and sorrows were mingled. I ask it by thy extreme affliction, in being three days deprived of the company of the adorable Child. I ask it by the joy in finding Him in the temple and by the ineffable consolation imparted to thee in the cottage of Nazareth, with the society of the little Jesus. I ask it by that wonderful condescension by which He subjected Himself to thy will. I ask it through that dolorous view, continually in thy mind, of all thy Jesus was to suffer. I ask it by that painful contemplation, which made thee foresee the divine little hands and feet, now so active in serving thee, one day to be pierced with cruel nails; that head, which rested gently on thy bosom, crowned with sharp thorns; that delicate body, which thou didst tenderly fold in thy mantle and press to thy heart, stripped and extended on a cross. I ask it by that heroic sacrifice of thy will and best affections, by which thou didst offer up to the Eternal Father the last awful moment, when the Man-God was to expire for our salvation. I ask it by that perfect love and conformity with which thou didst receive the divine order to depart from this life, and from the company of Jesus and Mary. I ask it by that exceeding great joy which filled thy soul when the Redeemer of the world, triumphant over death and hell, entered into the possession of His Kingdom, and conducted thee also into it with especial honors. I ask it through Mary's glorious Assumption and through that interminable bliss, which with her, thou wilt eternally derive from the presence of God. O, good Father, I beseech thee, by all thy sufferings, sorrows and joy to hear me, and to obtain the grant of my earnest petitions: (Here name your petitions or reflect on them.) Obtain for all those who have asked thy prayers all that is useful to them in the designs of God; and finally, my dear protector, be thou with me and all who are dear to me, in our last moments, that we may eternally chant the praises of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Amen . of St. Joseph which he did not obtain for me." ________________________ Prayer to St. Joseph (Especially recommended to be said with the Rosary during the month of October)
To Thee, O Blessed Joseph, we have recourse in our affliction, and
having implored the help of thy thrice holy Spouse, we now with hearts filled with
confidence earnestly beg thee also to take us under thy protection.
Indulgence of 3 years. indulgence of 7 years during the month of October, By that charity wherewith thou wast united to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by that fatherly love with which thou didst cherish the Child Jesus, we beseech thee and we humbly pray that thou wilt look down with gracious eyes upon that inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by His blood, and wilt succor us in our need by thy power and strength. Defend, O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ. Keep from us, O most loving father, all blight of error and corruption. Aid us from on high most valiant defender, in this conflict with the powers of darkness. And even as of old thou didst rescue the Child Jesus from the peril of His life, so now defend God's Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and all adversity. Shield us ever under thy patronage that, following thy example, and strengthened by thy help, we may live a holy life, die a happy death and attain to everlasting bliss in heaven. Amen. after the recital of the Rosary. ________________________ Aspirations to St. Joseph for Every Day in the Week An indulgence of three hundred days was granted by His Holiness, Pius VII., April 28, 1807, for repeating these Aspirations. Three Glorias should be added to each Aspiration.
Sunday: My dear St. Joseph, I beseech thee to obtain for me a contrite and humble heart, and great purity of soul and body.
Monday: Most glorious St. Joseph, pray for me, that I may accomplish the will of God all the days of my life. Tuesday: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! sweet objects of my love, in you, for you, with you, may I live, and die. Wednesday: Blessed St. Joseph, obtain for me the grace to lead a pure and holy life, ever secure under thy patronage. Thursday: Beloved St. Joseph, chaste Spouse of the Immaculate Mary, intercede for me that I may obtain pardon, mercy, and salvation. Friday: Remember me, O most merciful St. Joseph, and pray for me this day and always to Jesus, who deigned to be called thy son, and who has saved me by his precious blood. Saturday: O Most noble patriarch, St. Joseph, through thy intercession may the Blessed Virgin, thy Immaculate Spouse, be propitious to me now, and at the hour of my death. Amen. HAIL! holy St. Joseph, who, chosen by God above all other men, wast enriched with grace and adorned with sanctity, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst men, and blessed is He who condescended to be reputed thy son, Jesus. O glorious St. Joseph, most worthy Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary! pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. O Jesus, have mercy on me. O Mary and Joseph, assist me. Music: Joseph, Lieber Joseph Mein http://catholicharboroffaithandmorals.com/ |